
TOLEDO - UAW elected delegates in Ohio and Indiana met today to fill the vacancy of the Regional Director - a position with a seat on the UAW International Executive Board and elected Wayne Blanchard to fill the remainder of the term which ends in June 2022.

The UAW Constitutional procedure made accommodations for Ohio and Indiana social distancing guidelines by conducting meetings at five locations connected remotely. Region 2B has had a vacancy since the resignation of Rich Rankin earlier this summer.

“We are proud today to announce for our Ford UAW members and our nation that Ford is building this new plant to assemble the truck of the future -- a battery electric Ford F-150. Where once the Mustang changed America, UAW members will now build the truck that will change America -- Built Ford Tough by UAW members.”
On Tuesday, September 15, we will mark the 57th anniversary of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama with a candlelight vigil and ten-point pledge for social, racial and economic justice. We call on all of us here in the United States of America to reject death, whether by racism or economic injustice, and unite to fight for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for everyone. And as we embrace life, we remember those Americans who gave their lives that we might be free—from the beaches of Normandy to the coal camps of West Virginia to the churches of Birmingham and Charleston...

“For far too long it's been a fight to maintain the jobs we have while new automotive products and assembly are sent to Mexico, China and abroad.

Trade enforcement will help. But so too will Joe Biden once and for all closing the offshoring loophole in our tax code, imposing a new offshoring tax penalty and creating Biden’s new “Made in America” tax incentive. These are strong proposals to keep jobs here and more importantly make sure new products stay here built by our UAW workforce.”

Brothers and Sisters, As we celebrate Labor Day this Monday, I want to start by saying Thank You. This year has been utterly unprecedented, and we have had to deal with extraordinary challenges. I want to recognize the hard work and courage of my UAW family in facing this terrible pandemic and working to keep one another safe.
If you are caring for someone with COVID-19 at home or in a non-healthcare setting, follow this advice to protect yourself and others. Learn what to do when someone has symptoms of COVID-19. or when someone has been diagnosed with the virus. This information also should be followed when caring for people who have tested positive but are not showing symptoms.
Local 887 Ike Turner 96 years young Retiree Chairperson
The board took away union rights to negotiate safety or closures